Submission Procedure

  1. Please ensure that your submissions are upholding the editorial policies. Uploaded file size must not exceed 7MB (seven Megabyte). Before submission the authors should be registered with correct credentials to the journal web site.
  2. Copyright Release Form (here) must be fulfilled and signed by all authors and uploaded to the system. This form must be submitted as a supplementary file with the initial manuscript. Authors of the article must have a consensus on order of authorship and approve this agreement by signing the copyright form in the same order (must be numbered). If this form is not submitted with the initial manuscript, the manuscript will be rejected during the pre-review process. 
  3. The Declaration of the Conflict of Interest (here) must be fulfilled,and signed by all authors and uploaded to the system. This form must be submitted as a supplementary file with the initial manuscript. Authors of the article must have a consensus on order of the authorship and approve this agreement by signing the declaration of the conflict of interest in the same order (must be numbered).  If this form is not submitted with the initial manuscript, the manuscript will be rejected during the pre-review process
  4. The Declaration of Author Contribution (here) must be fulfilled,and signed by all authors and uploaded to the system. All authors should approve their contributions in the article by giving their full names and signing in the related parts of the declaration of author contribution. This form must be submitted as a supplementary file with the initial manuscript. 
  5. For research requiring Ethics Committee Approval, the Ethics Committee Approval should be sent as a supplementary file with the initial manuscript. In addition, it should be stated in the Introduction and Conclusion sections of the article that the ethics committee approval was obtained for the research. For research that does not require an ethics committee approval, a document in .pdf format signed by all authors of the manuscript and containing the sentence "There is no need for ethics committee approval for this research" should be sent as a supplementary file with the initial manuscript.
  6. Type of manuscripts (research article, technical note, review article) must be chosen on the dashboard along the manuscript submission. If this form is not submitted with the initial manuscript, the manuscript will be rejected during the pre-review process. 
  7. At least three reviewers who are experts in their fields should be offered both in the comment text area and as an individual file with their current contact information (WEB address, postal address, active e-mail and phone number) along with submission. If this file is not submitted with the initial manuscript, the manuscript will be rejected during the pre-review process. 
  8. During the submission, abstract (in all English and Turkish) and reference fields must be filled properly in submission interface. Submissions with improper fields will be rejected.
  9. To review the writing ruleset, please click hereThe manuscripts that do not comply with those rules will be rejected during the pre-review process. 

Last Update Time: 3/31/21, 1:06:34 PM


30.03.2021-Beginning with our April 2021 (26/1) issue, in accordance with the new criteria of TR-Dizin, the Declaration of Conflict of Interest and the Declaration of Author Contribution forms fulfilled and signed by all authors are required as well as the Copyright form during the initial submission of the manuscript. Furthermore two new sections, i.e. ‘Conflict of Interest’ and ‘Author Contribution’, should be added to the manuscript. Links of those forms that should be submitted with the initial manuscript can be found in our 'Author Guidelines' and 'Submission Procedure' pages. The manuscript template is also updated. For articles reviewed and accepted for publication in our 2021 and ongoing issues and for articles currently under review process, those forms should also be fulfilled, signed and uploaded to the system by authors.