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Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review

Year 2021, , 101 - 128, 18.12.2021


Many countries are witnessing the deployment of millions of smart meters, as they strive to upgrade their traditional grid to the smart grid already prominent in the developed parts of the world. Communication networks that can offer high-speed communication will be required for transmission of the copious amount of data resulting from the numerous smart meters and other intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) in the distribution network substation. Therefore, there is a need to critically assess the available communication infrastructure for eventual upgrade and deployment. In this paper, a survey of the communication network and networks simulation software used for this purpose was carried out, with specific emphasis on smart metering applications. Some critical requirements identified are security, quality of service (QoS) and optimal cost for system operation. Also discussed are methods employed in the works of literature to handle the critical issues raised. For data transmission between the meters and data concentrators; power line communication (PLC) was mostly cost-effective and hence, mostly deployed. In the wireless category, ZigBee (802.15.4), Wi-Fi (802.11), and WiMAX (802.16) among others are suitable and have been successfully deployed. OPNET, NS-3, NS-2, and OMNET++ have been successfully employed for communication network simulations in smart metering applications.

Supporting Institution

This research was funded by TETFund Research Fund Grant 2020.


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Year 2021, , 101 - 128, 18.12.2021



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There are 93 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Review Articles

Folasade Dahunsi 0000-0002-6812-9236

Sunday Olayanju 0000-0001-8139-6390

Akinlolu Ponnle 0000-0002-1040-3829

Oluwafemi Sarumi 0000-0001-6463-1029

Publication Date December 18, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021


APA Dahunsi, F., Olayanju, S., Ponnle, A., Sarumi, O. (2021). Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review. Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering, 5(2), 101-128.
AMA Dahunsi F, Olayanju S, Ponnle A, Sarumi O. Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review. JISE. December 2021;5(2):101-128. doi:10.38088/jise.835725
Chicago Dahunsi, Folasade, Sunday Olayanju, Akinlolu Ponnle, and Oluwafemi Sarumi. “Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review”. Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering 5, no. 2 (December 2021): 101-28.
EndNote Dahunsi F, Olayanju S, Ponnle A, Sarumi O (December 1, 2021) Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review. Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering 5 2 101–128.
IEEE F. Dahunsi, S. Olayanju, A. Ponnle, and O. Sarumi, “Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review”, JISE, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 101–128, 2021, doi: 10.38088/jise.835725.
ISNAD Dahunsi, Folasade et al. “Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review”. Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering 5/2 (December 2021), 101-128.
JAMA Dahunsi F, Olayanju S, Ponnle A, Sarumi O. Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review. JISE. 2021;5:101–128.
MLA Dahunsi, Folasade et al. “Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review”. Journal of Innovative Science and Engineering, vol. 5, no. 2, 2021, pp. 101-28, doi:10.38088/jise.835725.
Vancouver Dahunsi F, Olayanju S, Ponnle A, Sarumi O. Communication Network Simulation for Smart Metering Applications: A Review. JISE. 2021;5(2):101-28.

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