Writing Rules

The BEU J SCI & TECHNOL has set a rapid publication principle to respond quickly to authors after submission (approximately two weeks for the first decision). In addition, the first submission procedure is simplified to help authors. In other words, in the first submission articles may be submitted in any desired format and the journal format is requested only after the peer review is completed.

Accepted manuscripts should be edited according to our journal publishing format before publication. Articles that are not edited according to the publishing format will not be published even if accepted.

Publishing Format


The introduction chapter should include up-to-date description and definitions of the background of the topic for not only the experts in this subject but also for general readers. In addition, the introduction chapter should include a brief literature review. It should also clearly define the research problem, its importance, limitations, and expected contributions. Finally, the aims and the objective of the study should clearly present in this chapter.
Page size should be A4 with 2.5 cm / 1 inch margins. The introduction text and the main body of the manuscript should be written with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 12, and should be justified. Line spaces should be 1.5, and line spacing should be 6 nk after and before the line. There should be a 1.25 cm indention at the beginning of the paragraph.

1.1 Abstract

An abstract is necessary for every paper. It should briefly summarize the reason for work, the main purpose, findings, and the foremost results and main conclusions of the study. The abstract should not contain figures, tables, elaborate equations and references.
The abstract text should be written with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 10. The abstract text should be justified. Line spaces should be 1, and line spacing should be 0 nk after and before the line. Abstract text should not exceed 300 words.
At least 3, at most 6 keywords should be added and each should start on a new line. The keywords should directly relate with the topic and the content of the manuscript.
Not obligatory but Authors are encouraged to submit a graphical abstract. This should be included after the references.
Article Info will be written and QR code will be generated by the editorial office. Therefore, the authors do not need to complete this Article Info section.

1.2 Titles

The main title should be concise and informative. The title of the manuscript should be written with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 16, bold, aligned to centre, line spaces should be 1, and line spacing should be 0 nk after and before the line.
The main body of manuscript should contain INTRODUCTION, MATERIAL AND METHODS, RESULTS, CONCLUSION AND REFERENCES chapters. All titles should be numbered instead REFERENCES, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND APPENDIX chapters.
All Chapter Title letters should be capitalized and written with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 14, blue coloured, and should be aligned left. Line spaces should be 1.5, and line spacing should be 12 nk before and after the line.
Level 2 subtitles (if any) should be numbered as 1.1 etc., and first letters should be capitalized. The subtitles should be written with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 12, blue coloured, and should be aligned left. Line spaces should be 1.5, and line spacing should be 12 nk before and after the line.
Level 3 subtitles (if any) should be numbered as 1.1.1 etc. and all letters except the first letter should be lower case. The subtitles should be written with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 12, blue coloured, and should be aligned left. Line spaces should be 1.5, and line spacing should be 12 nk before and after the line.
The next subtitles levels should not be numbered, and all letters except the first letter should be lower case, and written with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 12, blue coloured, italic, and should be aligned left. Line spaces should be 1.5, and line spacing should be 12 nk before and after the line.

1.3 Figures

Pictures, figures or images that will explain the content of the manuscript and provide an understanding of the subject should be used in the text. All figures should be numbered and aligned to center. The captions should be written under the figure and with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 12, italic, and should be aligned center. Line spaces should be 1.5, and line spacing should be 0 nk before and 12 nk after the line. Only the word "Figure" and its number given in the figure description should be in bold as given example below.


If figures are longer than two pages, they should be included as an appendix. They should also be referenced as appendix in the main text.

1.4 Tables

Information that will simplify the understanding of the text content can be given as a table. All tables should be numbered and aligned to center. The captions should be written over the table and with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 12, italic, and should be aligned center. Line spaces should be 1.5, and line spacing should be 12 nk before and 0 nk after the line. Only the word "Table" and its number given in the table description should be in bold. In addition, three-line table format should be preferred and the table titles should be in bold as given example below. The content of the tables should be written with “Trebuchet MS” font type with a font size of 12, and should be aligned to center. Line spaces should be 1.5, and line spacing should be 0 nk before and after the line. However, font and line spacing may be reduced if necessary.


There should be 1 line of space before the paragraph that starts after the table. If tables are longer than two pages, they should be included as an appendix. They should also be referenced as appendix in the main text.

Formulas and Equations

Necessary formulas or equations should be given in manuscript. The formulas or equations should be written by using Word Equation Editor of Math Type. They should not be given as pictures.
The equation should be numbered if it is referred to in the text. The equations and formulas should be aligned to center, font size should be 12 and line spacing should be 12 nk before and after the line. Authors are encouraged to insert the equations or formulas in a table without borders, as shown above, when using Word Equation Editor. If Math Type equation editor is preferred, no need to use table. If it is not critical only SI units should be preferred.

Conflict of Interest (A mandatory title for multi-authored papers)
There is no conflict of interest between the authors.

Authors contributions (A mandatory title for multi-authored papers)
It should be stated in detail how much the authors have contributed to each stage of the article and how the tasks have been shared. It is not recommended to use the phrase "All authors contributed equally".

Acknowledgment and support (A mandatory title for ethics committee approval requires)
If necessary, the people, institutions and organizations that helped in the study should be thanked for their help and support. In addition, if the study requires ethics committee approval, the ethics committee approval number and information about the organization that made the decision should be provided.

Statement of Research and Publication Ethics (A mandatory title for all papers)
The study is complied with research and publication ethics.

All references in the text and bibliography should be given as IEEE format. The details of IEEE format can be found in the link below:
