Writing Rules

Article Writing Rules Article Template for Journal:

Manuscripts to be sent to the journal will be prepared in the MS Word writing program in accordance with the rules explained below.

It is especially expected to pay attention to the Turkish language used in the writing of the article to be sent to the journal, which has set the goal of developing and disseminating the Turkish informatics language. For technical terms, use common terms. If you have new term suggestions, please specify.
The articles sent to the journal will be reviewed by the editorial board and the terms can be changed if necessary.
Basic spelling rules are given below. In addition, the Spelling Pattern has been prepared as a Word document. The styles used in the Word spelling pattern are written in square brackets in the relevant fields.
Page Feature
Paper size : A4 Vertical
Top clearance : 2 cm
Bottom space : 2 cm
Left space : 1.5 cm
Right space : 1.5 cm
Paper Main Title
Main Title of Paper in Turkish: Calibri 20 pt, bold, centered on the page, 24 pt spacing will be left above the first line. No additional space will be left between the lines in headings with two lines. There will be a 6-point space after the Turkish title. [Paper Title]
Main Title of the Paper in English: Calibri, 20 pt, gray, no space will be left above the first centered line. No additional space will be left between the lines in headings with two lines. There will be a 20-point space after the English title. [English Paper Title]
The first letters of the main title of the paper will be uppercase, the rest will be lowercase.
Author information
A maximum of 3 author information will be included in a line. In articles with one author, the name of the author will be written in the middle of the page, in the papers with two authors, the name of the author will be written in the center in the column.
Author names will be written in Calibri 10 points, normal, centered. [Author name]
Author Institution/Organization name Calibri 10 font size, italic, centered. [Organisation]
Author Chapter name Calibri 10 pt, italic, centered. [Organisation]
Author City and Country name will be written in Calibri, 10 pt, italicized and centered. [Organisation]
Author E-mail Calibri will be written in 10 pt, normal, centered. [Email]
Author ORCID No Calibri will be written in 10 pt, normal, centered. [ORCID]

The next part will be written as two columns. The column widths will be equal and the spacing between them will be 5 mm.

Abstract Title [Abstract Title ]
Calibri will be 12 points, bold, left aligned, dark blue color, bottom space will be 6 points [Abstract Title ]

Abstract 10 Calibri will be written in 10 pt, italic and justified. The abstract to be prepared in Turkish will be prepared as a paragraph and will consist of a maximum of 1000 letters. Formulas, special characters and symbols should not be used in the abstract. [Self]
Keywords [Keywords]
It will be placed under the core, it will be in 10 point Calibri and italic. Keywords will be bold and italicized.
For example: Keywords: Data mining, Data,
Abstract [Abstract Title ]
Abstract Calibri will be written in 10 pt, italic and justified. The abstract, which will be prepared in English, will be prepared as a paragraph and will consist of a maximum of 1000 letters. Formulas, special characters and symbols should not be used in English. [Self]
It will be placed under the Abstract, it will be in 10 point Calibri and italic. Keywords will be bold and italicized.
For example: Keywords: Data mining, Data [Keywords]

The title can be used up to the third digit in the article. Information on these is as follows:
Main Title: Calibri 12 pt, bold, left aligned and hanging, dark blue color, bottom space will be 6 pt [Main Title ]
Title: Calibri 11 pt, bold, left-justified and hanging, navy blue color, bottom space will be 6 pt [Title ]
Subtitle: Calibri 10 pt, bold, left-justified and hanging, dark blue color, subheading will be 6 pt [Sub Title ]
Apart from these, the titles to be used will be Calibri 10 pt, bold and italic, left aligned and hanging, black in color, and the bottom space will be 6 pt. [Italic Title]
Article Body
The body of the article will be prepared in two columns. The widths of the columns will be equal. The gap between the columns will be 5 mm.
Calibri 10 pt, normal, justified and black, bottom spacing will be 6 pt [Normal]
figure caption
It will be at the bottom and center of the shape. 9 point Calibri. "Shape and number of figures" text will be bold. [Shape]
For example: Figure-1: Figure description
Chart text
It will be at the top and center of the chart. 9 point Calibri bold. Chart text will be bold.
For example: Chart-1: Chart explanation

Reference number and source 9 P Times New Roman, first the surname of the author followed by the first letter of the name. The publication name will be written in italics. Place and date of publication will be written later.
E.g :
[1] Schaffer, R. L., Mulekar, M. , Mcclave, J. T. Probability and Statistics for Engineers, 2010, pp. 170-172.

General rules
Abbreviations: Abbreviations to be made in the article should be made where they are first encountered. For example, Intelligent Vehicle Systems (ATS). Abbreviations known to the public can be used directly. For example, ITU
References: The number of the source cited in the text should be given in square brackets at the end of the sentence. For example, E. Adalı et al. Relevant conclusions were reached in the study conducted by [1]. Reference numbers should be sequential in the article. The bibliography will be created at the end of the article.
Formulas: Numbers should be given for the formulas in the article. The number of the formula should be given in parentheses on the right. E.g
Y= ax2 + bx + c (1)
Exponents and indices: Exponents and indices should be written as they are written in mathematical formulas. For example x2, xi
Units: Only SI (MKSA) unit system should be used in the article. However, units other than these units can be used as a second unit in cases of necessity. Abbreviations to be used for units must be international SI abbreviations. For example Kilo: K, Meter: m, Second: s, Current: A (Please do not use sec abbreviation for seconds)
Footer / Header Information: Footer and header information will not be used in the article.
Figure/Picture: Figures and pictures should be placed in the closest area after citation in the article. Figure/Picture numbered should be given sequentially. There should not be a figure or picture that is not cited in the article. Figure should be written, not figure.
Table: Tables should be placed in the nearest field after citation in the article. The article should be given in sequential order. There should not be an uncited table in the article. A chart should be written, not a table.
The main purpose of the Journal of Computer Science and Engineering is to develop rigorous Turkish in the field of informatics. For this reason, it is necessary to use Turkish carefully in Turkish articles. In addition, it is obligatory to comply with the rules explained below in the parts of Turkish papers except for English Abstract and keywords.
The decimal parts of numbers must be separated by commas. For example 25.33
0 (zero) must be written before the comma. For example 0.23
The percent sign must be placed before the number. For example 25%
Spelling mistakes in the Turkish and English parts of the article should be corrected. Editorial Board can change the terms in the article. Can edit the sentence when necessary.