For Authors

The author (s) must comply with the following points before and after the submission in order to ensure that the processes of the studies to be sent to the Journal of ARU FEAS are carried out in a healthy and fast. Detailed display of the process is included in the Process Chart.

Pre-Submission and Submission Stage

- Author(s) should create their work within the specified writing rules (writing template, author information, APA 6th Version).

- Ethics Committee Approval must be obtained for studies requiring an Ethics Committee Decision, this approval must be stated in the article and documented during the application. Therefore, for articles requiring ethics committee decision, three separate files (full text file, author information and other information, document showing ethics committee approval) should be uploaded during the first application.

- Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles that have used research data before 2020, that have been produced from master/doctoral studies (should be specified in the article), for which a publication application has been made to the journal in the previous year, and that has been accepted but not yet published.

- The manuscripts prepared according to ARU FEAS writing rules, writing template and author guide are sent to the journal through the DergiPark system. No work is sent to ARUFEAS from other channels or studies sent through these channels are not taken into consideration.

- It is mandatory for the author(s) to submit their work via the DergiPark system to upload two files to the system. These are the Full Text created according to the journal's writing template and author information and Supplementary File containing other information. If necessary, the Ethics Committee Approval Document should be uploaded as another additional file.

- If the submission is successfully completed, the process is continued by the editors and boards of ARU FEAS.

After Submission

- Author(s) must respond in a timely and appropriate manner to correction requests from editors or referees.

- In the works that have been evaluated positively by referees and are in the publication process, the author(s) must fill the Copyright Release Form completely and send it to the journal via the DergiPark system with wet signature (see Copyright).

- The final proofreading of the manuscripts that are in the publication process is carried out by the assigned language editor and if necessary, they are sent to the author for correction.

- If all the above processes are completed successfully, the relevant manuscript becomes ready for publication. At this stage, the study is checked for publication within the framework of the points included in the "last checklist", added to the journal's accepted articles list and placed in the order of publication.

Last Update Time: 3/14/21, 10:38:12 PM