Amir Duranovic Assoc. Prof. Dr. University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Philosophy
Publication 1 Review 1
1 Publication
1 Review

Research Fields

Contemporary Mediterranean History Contemporary European History Contemporary Balkan History Contemporary World History (Other) The Writing of History History Methodology


Historian Amir Duranović, Associate Professor (University of Sarajevo), obtained his degree in history at the University of Sarajevo in 2007. Now holding a PhD in Modern Bosnian History, his main focus has been Church – State relations in Former Yugoslavia, especially Islam under Communism. So far Duranović has actively participated in dozens of conferences on modern Balkan history including history of political elites, nation building, religious communities, environmental history, diplomatic history etc. He has been involved as guest speaker at several European universities and in USA. Skilful in education capacity building, networking and research, Duranović is also fluent in English, Spanish and Turkish. Duranović's bibliography includes three books, four edited volumes and dozens of papers. Duranović has actively participated in different research and networking projects related to historiography, nationalism and history education. His papers have been published in Bosnian, English, German and Turkish.


University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Philosophy




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