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Dairy Wastewaters Need to Be Treated

Year 2014, Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2, 88 - 93, 25.11.2014


Dairy wastewater causes major environmental problems, because of its high organic and saline effluent content. Carbohydrates, fats, and proteins from milk are the main contributors of organic load. These wastewaters are mainly composed by different dilutions of milk (or transformed products) and washing water containing alkaline and acidic chemicals after the cleaning of process equipment. Dairy wastewaters has to be treated because the discharge of dairy waste onto land can have a negative effect on the chemical and physical structure of soil, reduce crop yield, and pollute groundwater. Dairy wastewaters can be processed by different methods. Components of dairy product wastes are recovered by some techniques and obtained by-products; such as fat separation, recovery of proteins by ultrafiltration and gaining lactose by evaporation from whey and buttermilk. Dairy wastewaters are also treated using physico-chemical (coagulation/ flocculation, precipitation, oxidation process) and biological (anaerobic or aerobic digestion) treatment methods. However these methods are expensive for many small and medium-scale manufacturers, thus, a lot of dairy plants discharge wastewater into the municipal sewage or to the lands and cause serious environmental problems. As understood for solve the problem it is necessity to investigate about alternative treatments by researchers and municipalities/governments


  • Anonim, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (2014). istatistikleri, Haber Bülteni. üretim
  • Anonim, The European Parliament and The Council of The European Union, 2000/60/EC
  • Parliament and of The Council. Official Journal of The European Communities, 43: 1-72. Directive European the Anonim, Ulusal Süt Konseyi, (2011).
  • Dünya ve Türkiye’de Süt Sektör İstatistikleri. Balannec, B.,Gésan-Guiziou, G., Chaufer, M.,Daufin, G., (2002). Treatment of membran operations for water reuse and milk constituent concentration. Desalination, 147: 89-94. by
  • Benaissa, F.,Kermet-Said, H., Moulai- Mostefa, N., (2014). Optimization and electrocoagulation dairywastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment. Ahead-of-print.
  • Bennani, C. F.,Ousji, B., Ennigrou, D. J., (2014).
  • Wastewater Using Ultrafiltration Process. Desalination and Water Treatment. Ahead –of-print. Bumbac, C.,Ionescu, I. A., Tiron, O., Badescu, V. R., (2015). Continuous flow reactor treatment. Water Science and Technology, 71.3: 440-445.
  • Carvalho, F.,Prazeres, A.R., Rivas, J., (2013). Cheese whey wastewater: Characterization
  • Science of the Total Environtment, 445-446: 385-396. treatment. Demirel, B., Yenigün, O., Onay, T.T., (2005). Anaerobik treatment of dairy wastewaters: a review. denitrification. Mljekarstvo, Hassan, A.N.,Nelson,B.K., (2012). Invitedreview: fermantation wastewater. Science, 95: 6188-6203. Anaerobik of Journal of Dairy
  • Karadağ, D., Köroğlu, O. E., Özkaya, B., Çakmakçı, M., Heaven, S., Banks, C., fermentative hydrogen production from dairy industry wastewater. J Chem 1627-1636. review on TechnolBiotechnol, 89:
  • Kertész, S.,Lászlò, Z., Forgács, E., Szabò, G., Hodùr, C., (2011). Dairy wastewater vibratory shear processing. Desalination and Water Treatment35:195-201. by enhanced
  • Mazzucotelli, C. A.,Durruty, I., Kotlar, C. E., Moreira, M. R., Ponce, A. G., Roura, S. I., (2014). Development of a Microbial Consortium for Dairy Biotechnology Engineering, 19: 221-230. Bioprocess and Munavalli, G. R.,Saler, P. S., (2009).
  • Treatment of dairy wastewater by water hyacinth. Water Science and Technology, 59(4): 713-722. Turhan, K.N.,(2011). Peyniraltı suyu ve Bölüm ürünleri. Biliminin
  • Hayaloğlu, A.A., Özer, B.) Sidas Medya, İzmir. Peynir (Editör Temelleri. Passeggi, M., Lopez, I., borzacconi, L., (2009). treatment wastewater and sludge. Water
  • Science and Technology, 59(3): 501-50 anaerobik industrial dairy Pesta, G.,Meyer-Pittroff, R., Russ, W., (2007). Utilization of Whey. Part
  • Utilization of By-Products and Treatment of Waste in the Food Industry. V.,Russ, W.) Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. Oreopoulou, Springer
  • Prazeres, A.R.,Carvalho, F., Rivas, J., (2012). Cheese whey management. Journal Management, 110: 48-68. Environmental
  • Sarkar, B.,Chakrabarti, P.P., Vijaykumar, A., Kale, V., (2005). Wastewater treatment possibility of reuse. Desalination, 195: 141-152. industries- Schneider, I.,Topalova, Y., (2010).
  • Bioaugmentaive Approaches for Dairy American Journal of Agricultural and biological Sciences, 5(4):459- 4 Treatment. Üçüncü, M.,(2008). A’dan Z’ye Peynir
  • Teknolojisi, cilt II. 691 s. Meta Basım İzmir. Hizmetleri, Vourch, M.,Balannec, B., Chaufer, B., Dorange, G., (2006). Treatment of dairy reverse osmosis for water reuse. Desalination, 219:190-202. by

Sütçülük Atık SularınınArıtılma Gereksinimi

Year 2014, Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2, 88 - 93, 25.11.2014


sebep olurlar. Süt kaynaklı karbonhidratlar, yağlar ve proteinler organik yükü teşkil eden bileşiklerdir. Bu atık sular çoğunlukla farklı miktarlardaki süt (veya süt ürünü) kalıntıları ile alkali ve asidik kimyasal içeren yıkama suyundan meydana gelmektedir. Doğaya akıtıldıklarında toprağın kimyasal ve fiziksel yapısına, ürün veriminin azalmasına ve yeraltı sularının kirlenmesine neden olduğu için sütçülük atık sularının arıtılması gerekmektedir. Süt endüstrisi atık suları farklı yöntemlerle arıtılabilmektedirler. Bu atıklardan bazı bileşikler geri kazanılabilmektedir. Ayrıca fizikokimyasal ve biyolojik yöntemler de bu atıkların arıtılmasında kullanılabilmektedir. Ancak bu yöntemler birçok küçük ve orta kapasiteli işletmeler için pahalı sistemlerdir ve bu yüzden işletmelerin çoğu atık sularını kanalizasyon sistemlerine veya çevreye akıtmakta ve ciddi çevresel zarara neden olmaktadırlar. Anlaşıldığı üzere alternatif çözüm arayışları için görev araştırmacılara ve belediye/hükümetlere düşmektedir.


  • Anonim, Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, (2014). istatistikleri, Haber Bülteni. üretim
  • Anonim, The European Parliament and The Council of The European Union, 2000/60/EC
  • Parliament and of The Council. Official Journal of The European Communities, 43: 1-72. Directive European the Anonim, Ulusal Süt Konseyi, (2011).
  • Dünya ve Türkiye’de Süt Sektör İstatistikleri. Balannec, B.,Gésan-Guiziou, G., Chaufer, M.,Daufin, G., (2002). Treatment of membran operations for water reuse and milk constituent concentration. Desalination, 147: 89-94. by
  • Benaissa, F.,Kermet-Said, H., Moulai- Mostefa, N., (2014). Optimization and electrocoagulation dairywastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment. Ahead-of-print.
  • Bennani, C. F.,Ousji, B., Ennigrou, D. J., (2014).
  • Wastewater Using Ultrafiltration Process. Desalination and Water Treatment. Ahead –of-print. Bumbac, C.,Ionescu, I. A., Tiron, O., Badescu, V. R., (2015). Continuous flow reactor treatment. Water Science and Technology, 71.3: 440-445.
  • Carvalho, F.,Prazeres, A.R., Rivas, J., (2013). Cheese whey wastewater: Characterization
  • Science of the Total Environtment, 445-446: 385-396. treatment. Demirel, B., Yenigün, O., Onay, T.T., (2005). Anaerobik treatment of dairy wastewaters: a review. denitrification. Mljekarstvo, Hassan, A.N.,Nelson,B.K., (2012). Invitedreview: fermantation wastewater. Science, 95: 6188-6203. Anaerobik of Journal of Dairy
  • Karadağ, D., Köroğlu, O. E., Özkaya, B., Çakmakçı, M., Heaven, S., Banks, C., fermentative hydrogen production from dairy industry wastewater. J Chem 1627-1636. review on TechnolBiotechnol, 89:
  • Kertész, S.,Lászlò, Z., Forgács, E., Szabò, G., Hodùr, C., (2011). Dairy wastewater vibratory shear processing. Desalination and Water Treatment35:195-201. by enhanced
  • Mazzucotelli, C. A.,Durruty, I., Kotlar, C. E., Moreira, M. R., Ponce, A. G., Roura, S. I., (2014). Development of a Microbial Consortium for Dairy Biotechnology Engineering, 19: 221-230. Bioprocess and Munavalli, G. R.,Saler, P. S., (2009).
  • Treatment of dairy wastewater by water hyacinth. Water Science and Technology, 59(4): 713-722. Turhan, K.N.,(2011). Peyniraltı suyu ve Bölüm ürünleri. Biliminin
  • Hayaloğlu, A.A., Özer, B.) Sidas Medya, İzmir. Peynir (Editör Temelleri. Passeggi, M., Lopez, I., borzacconi, L., (2009). treatment wastewater and sludge. Water
  • Science and Technology, 59(3): 501-50 anaerobik industrial dairy Pesta, G.,Meyer-Pittroff, R., Russ, W., (2007). Utilization of Whey. Part
  • Utilization of By-Products and Treatment of Waste in the Food Industry. V.,Russ, W.) Science+Business Media, LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10013, USA. Oreopoulou, Springer
  • Prazeres, A.R.,Carvalho, F., Rivas, J., (2012). Cheese whey management. Journal Management, 110: 48-68. Environmental
  • Sarkar, B.,Chakrabarti, P.P., Vijaykumar, A., Kale, V., (2005). Wastewater treatment possibility of reuse. Desalination, 195: 141-152. industries- Schneider, I.,Topalova, Y., (2010).
  • Bioaugmentaive Approaches for Dairy American Journal of Agricultural and biological Sciences, 5(4):459- 4 Treatment. Üçüncü, M.,(2008). A’dan Z’ye Peynir
  • Teknolojisi, cilt II. 691 s. Meta Basım İzmir. Hizmetleri, Vourch, M.,Balannec, B., Chaufer, B., Dorange, G., (2006). Treatment of dairy reverse osmosis for water reuse. Desalination, 219:190-202. by
There are 20 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Mubin Koyuncu

Yusuf Tunçtürk This is me

Publication Date November 25, 2014
Submission Date November 25, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 19 Issue: 1-2


APA Koyuncu, M., & Tunçtürk, Y. (2014). Sütçülük Atık SularınınArıtılma Gereksinimi. Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19(1-2), 88-93.