e-ISSN: 1308-3937
Founded: 2006
Publisher: İbrahim Güran YUMUŞAK
Cover Image

Journal of Knowledge Economy and Management (BEYDER) is an international peer-reviewed journal published electronically twice a year since 2006. The journal publishes original articles in economics, business and other related fields, primarily Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Management. Applied research papers are supposed to evaluate relationships among variables pertinent to primarily knowledge economics and knowledge management. Our journal welcomes review articles of the right quality that cover the most recent developments and increase theoretical understanding or way of thinking about important areas by utilizing the proper analytical or statistical approaches. Articles sent to BEYDER should not have been sent to any journal for publication. Articles that are pre-examined by the editorial are sent to the referees by removing the names of the authors from the text in accordance with the blind peer-review system. The editor’s office does not guarantee the publication of the articles sent to the journal and does not accept the scientific, administrative and financial responsibility of the opinions in the articles. The editor’s office can check for plagiarism when it deems necessary. Extensive information about the journal is available at www.beykon.org.

Journal Title : Journal of Knowledge Economy and Management
ISSN : 1308-3937 (Online),
Owner : İbrahim Güran Yumuşak
Publisher : İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, İstanbul, Turkey
Official Language : English/Turkish
First Issue : January 2006
Publication Frequency : 2 issues per year (starting with 2006)
Review Process : Double-blind peer review
Access Availability : Full open access
Publication Fees/Charges : No submission and publication fees or page charges
Abstracting & Indexing : Arastirmax; Assosindex; Ebsco; Index Copernicus;

Editors-in-Chief :
Prof. İbrahim Güran Yumuşak,

Co-Editors :
Assoc. Prof. Özgür Kökalan
Assist. Prof. Mustafa Çakır

Contact Information :
Prof. İbrahim Güran Yumuşak (Journal Editorial Office)
E-mail : dergi@beykon.org - beydereditor@gmail.com
Address : Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University, Faculty of Business & Management Sciences, ISEFAM
Postcode: 34303 Istanbul, TURKEY
Telephone : 444 97 98
Fax : +90(212) 693 8229